Saturday, November 28, 2009

Transposing Piano music to B flat trumpet music?

I need to transpose music from piano music to B flat trumpet.

The piano music has a B flat and E flat as its key signature. How do I transpose this so I can play in the same key with my trumpet?

Transposing Piano music to B flat trumpet music?

-(Myspace music

You indicate that the piano music has a key signature of Bb and Eb which would put it in the key of Bb (two flats). The trumpet part would therefore be in the key of C.

All the notes for trumpet would be transposed up one step from the piano notes. So the piano Bb would be C for the trumpet, C would transpose to D, D up to E, piano Eb would be trumpet F, F to G, G to A, A to B, etc.

Musician, composer, teacher.

Transposing Piano music to B flat trumpet music?

-( graphics

I was wrong! Bearcat is right!

You are in Bb (or gm, but nevermind that for now) because of the Bb and Eb in the key signature. When you read C on your (transposed) music your instrument sounds a Bb. Therefore you want to have your music in C, a whole step higher than the key in the music (I had it lower earlier because I was transposing backwards. How embarassing...)

For a Bb trumpet, this piece use C major as the written key (no sharps/flats). Take everything in the piano part and write it a whole step higher.

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