Monday, November 30, 2009


Research it yourself, its facinating. Not every Muslim is against MUSIC, but a significant percentage ARE AGAINT MUSIC ITSELF... IT WASNT JUST THE TALIBAN, ITS ACROSS THE ENTIRE ISLAMIC WORLD. Western Muslims are less inclined to be against music.


Evidence that Music and Singing are Haram

閳ユ窔n this Ummah there will be punishments of earthquakes, showers of stones and deformity (transformation into animals); that will be when the people drink khamr, listen to female singers and play musical instruments.閳?(See al-Silsilah as-Saheehah, 2203; attributed to Ibn Abid-Dunya, Dhamm al-Malahi; the hadith was narrated by at-Tirmidhi, no. 2212).


-(Myspace music

i am a muslim

i listen to music

we have songs praising god

we have songs praising muhammad (pbuh)

you are a weird weird man.


-( graphics

thats dumb. =/

they're dumb. =/
well i dont think its haram even though im muslim i dont know why so many people do. i think its cause it takes the attention away from God.
Because the Islamic religion is closed minded. Small, Christianity, are afraid to think for themselves.
who are so many.visit a muslim country and ull see music the real question is why do u care
You are one strange little man. Maybe we should ship you over to the taliban so they can have their way with you.
look..not all which have sexual meanings or attackin somebody is wrong...
up to now i did not read a clear view about this point

but as far as i realizr is that you hear music practice it with your head and then forget to practice quran or remmmbering god so much -as yo are supposed
Really? :-O I am surprised at all this stuff! eeeww
Theyre gay!
Wrong! Islam didn't forbid music, the sources u picked are wrong. By common sense, if Islam forbids music, y was it allowed to sing 4 the prophet (PBUH) when he came back from hijra? No it's not forbidden unless it was meant to spread immoralty or racism.
i dont think all music is haram.

i think its the bad music thats haram like songs about love and stuff like that. but ur intentions for listening to them also matter. im muslim and i love music, but always, my first priority is religion
i live in a western country and have mulsim firends who don't listen to music because its forbidden. i have mulsim friends who do listen to music. in the Holy Quran it deos not say that music is forbidden at all. In the Hadith which is a book of islamic stories, it states an islamic scholar once walking along a path came upon a man playing a sitar (guitar like instrument), he was fascinated by its sound and wished there were more. the musicians friends joined in and all began playing. the scholar was so drawn into the music that he fell into a drunken state and began to dance.

he then praised allah.

this story may vary but as i was told this a few years ago, but the general principle is intact.

so to those muslims who say music is forbiden, i ask, 'do you know better than the islamic scholar?'
I don't believe that at all. I know many muslims and all of them love music.
The statements saying Islam forbids music is incorrect. Those who say that are mistaken and should learn more about Islam, particularly in this case. What evidence that shows Islam approves music? al-Quran.

Have you ever heard a person reading al-Quran. What did you notice? The way he read it, that is, ryhthmic. Yes, song like. That was actually recommended by Muhammad (PBUH) himself as the way of reading al-Quran. Why? Why did he recommend that? Because music is originally a beautiful thing to be practised. Music is a good thing. It is known to provoke calm and peace, even patriotism and bravery in our heart. The problem today is, there are too many types of music that are just invented for nonsense fun. These types of music are naturally morally destructive, so that's why some of Islamic scholars claim that music is haram, they really specify to "morally destructive" types of music, not all kinds of music.
First of All Am sorry for All those who insulted u .then Am Muslim and not all muisc is forbidden those which have ugly words only.Muhammd (PBUH) loved Poetry Very Much .
Am Muslim and i listen to music. As a matter of fact my brother is a rapper. his album is coming out soon.
Music itself is NOT Haram, or forbidden as u say,

Why ? because there's a proved Hadith ( Statement from Prophet Mohamed ) say that he had asked one of his wives when she came back from a wedding if they had saluted the Bride with "Drums" that's means that IT IS Allowed,

But yes , many persons consider it not allowed , why? simply in Islam out main purpose is to worship God and To make benefit of every moment in our life as a MuslI'm i believe that im gonna be judged for every thing i have done,

So Listening to Music Considered a waste of time, and so as time is precious then Music is not preferred,

hope you got the idea,

And For me , I listen to all kind of music, western and eastern , Also There's a famous Islamic Singer Called : Sami Yusuf %26gt;%26gt; , Take a look at his site and his songs Video Clips, you would know what the Good Music Could be! :)
Music is not worng in ISLAM and who ever says that knows nothing about islam.

Sir I'm sorry to say that you dont fully comprehend what religion is all about, because it you did you'd be speaking about core issues not music. I thick people liek G'n'R, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Korn....ROCK but at the same time they're not a core issue in life. Ask them: this is entertainment and it's totally fine and has nothing to do with one's view of any religion

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